Tiếng Anh cơ bản 2 tập 10: Đi thăm Peru!

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Let's Learn English Lesson 10: Visit to Peru

Tóm lược (Summary)​

Anna is writing a story about the culture of Peru. She does not have time to travel, but her friend Bruna says she can learn about Peru in one short visit. Where will she go?

Anna đang viết một câu chuyện về văn hoá Peru. Cô chưa có thời gian để đi du lịch nhưng bạn cô, Bruna, nói Anna có thể biết được nhiều điều về Peru qua chỉ một chuyến thăm ngắn. Cô ấy sẽ đi đâu nhỉ?

Hội thoại (Conversation)

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Let's Learn English Lesson 10: Visit to Peru

Bruna: Hi, Anna!

Anna: Hi, Bruna! What’s up?

Bruna: I thought we could meet for lunch today.

Anna: I wish I could, but I can’t. I have to research Peru for a story.

Bruna: How’s it going?

Anna: Not so good. I’ve been reading about Peru and listening to Peruvian music. I really want to understand Peru. I hope it's enough.

Bruna: You should visit Peru.

Anna: I wish!

Bruna: You can!

Anna: Bruna, I don’t have the money or time to go to Peru. My deadline is tomorrow!

Bruna: No, I don’t mean to really go there. The museum where I work is having a Peruvian festival today! …. Anna? Anna? Anna, are you there?

Prof. Bot: Hello again! Professor Bot here. Today we will hear about wishes and hopes. Bruna asked Anna to go to lunch, but she answered,

I wish I could, but I can’t. Listen for more hope and wish sentences.

Bruna: Hi, Anna!

Anna: Hi, Bruna! Thanks for telling me about this event.

Bruna: Sure! It's much better than staring at your computer. I hope it helps with your story.

Anna: I’m sure it will. So, what should we see first?

Bruna: Dance and music are very important to Peruvian culture, so let’s watch the dancers.

Anna: Great! Let’s go!

Bruna: There's this very special Peruvian dance called Marinera Norteña.

Anna: I love the Marinera Nortina… !

Bruna: Marinera Norteña.

Anna: Marinera Norten… ?

Bruna: No. Marinera Norteña.

Anna: I love the … marriage dance!

Anna: Bruna, I read about this dance. But it is much more romantic in person!

Bruna: The dancers are giving lessons after their performance. You should try it!

Anna: I’d love to. But I’m not ready to get married. I mean, one day I hope to meet the right guy. We’ll buy matching motorcycles and ride into the sunset -- the wind blowing through our hair!

Bruna: Anna, the dance just shows the courtship tradition. It doesn’t mean you will get married.

Anna: Oh. Well, I’ll try anyway.

Bruna: Don’t forget. This festival also shows Peruvian art!

Anna: I hope I have time to see everything!

Bruna: Anna, I wish I could join you. But I have some work to do.

Anna: Of course, of course. You go back to work. I’ll check out the art.

Bruna: Okay, I’m hoping to finish in about an hour. Let’s meet then.

Anna: Great. See you then!

Bruna: See ya!

Prof. Bot: Did you notice any sentences with hope or wish?

Anna says, “One day I hope to meet the right guy.” That’s an example of using “hope” with an infinitive to talk about doing something in the future. Keep watching!

Anna: Oh, wow! I can make my own Peruvian art!

Bruna: Anna, how’s it going?

Anna: Hi, Bruna!

Bruna: You know you're in the kid's section, right?

Anna: I'm in the art making section.

Bruna: I see that. Your art is very nice. I wish I could do art like that.

Anna: Oh, this one’s not mine. This is mine.

Bruna: Wow! Really? That's really nice!

Anna: Thanks! And thanks for telling me about this festival. I learned so much about Peru. Ooh, we still have time!

Bruna: Time for what?

Anna: Time for Marinera Norteña!

Prof. Bot: Do you remember what Anna said? “I really want to understand Peru.” I hope you understand Peru a little better now, too. And I wish I could talk with you more about grammar, but that’s all the time we have today! Go to the website to learn more!

Từ ngữ mới (New Words)

blow - v. to be moved or affected in a specified way by the wind
courtship - n. he activities that occur when people are developing a romantic relationship that could lead to marriage or the period of time when such activities occur
deadline - n. a date or time when something must be finished
hope - v. to want something to happen or be true and think that it could happen or be true
in person - expression used to say that a person is actually present at a place
join - v. to put or bring (two or more things) together
marriage - n. a ceremony in which two people are married to each other
match - v. to have the same appearance or color
motorcycle - n. a vehicle with two wheels that is powered by a motor and that can carry one or two people
Peru - n. a country in South America
romantic - adj. of, relating to, or involving love between two people
sunset - n. the time when the sun goes below the horizon in the evening
wish - v. to want (something) to be true or to happen

Sách lược học tập (Learning Strategy)​

The learning strategy for this lesson is ​Use Sounds. That means you can use your "mental tape recorder" to listen carefully and notice new sounds. For example, when you are learning English there may be some new sounds that you do not have in your native language.

In this lesson, Anna hears the name of a dance from Peru. Bruna says, "There's this very special Peruvian dance called Marinera Norteña." At first, Anna has trouble saying the name. She says, "I love the Marinera Nortina… !" Bruna says it again, so Anna can hear it correctly. Later, Anna says the name with the correct sound: "Time for the Marinera Norteña!"

How about you? How do you use sounds or "use your mental tape recorder"​while you are studying English? Write to us in the Comments section or send us an email.

Bài kiểm tra Nghe (Listening Quiz)

See how well you understand this lesson by taking a listening quiz. Play each short video, then choose the best answer.

Tài liệu miễn phí (Free Materials)​

Word Book

Download the VOA Learning English Word Book for a dictionary of the words we use on this website.

Phần dành cho giáo viên (For Teachers)

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Grammar focus: Wish & Hope Clauses

Topics: Describing traditions & life events; Expressing Hopes & Wishes; Musical Traditions

Learning Strategy: Use Sounds

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