HuyeTrang xin k? cha?y?th? gia?rong ba?tha?g?nglish American Style ho⭠nay chu?o⩠xin quy?the⭠3 tha?g??co? Up ngha?n. Anh baﮠDon Benson cu?u?a xin tha?g?h?nhaᴮ
VOICE: ( DON):The first idiom is ? Up the wall? , ? Up the wall?.
TEXT: (TRANG): Up the wall co?t t??la?l h vala?-L-L ngha?c t?g , thu? c du?rong caⵠTo drive someone up the wall, nghen la?y mo䴠ng?na?o ? tu?, va?ho?a?m cho ng? na??o?u pha?e⮠le⮠c, ma룠daൠ khi vaᮠgakho?u ch栬a?t chuye䮠nho?봮 Ta ha?ghe anh baﮠchu?a no?࠲ con cho? nuo⩠trong nha? anh yeⵠmeᮠnh? co? va㮠la?h b?do
VOICE: ( DON):At dinner they sit rigth next to me staring up with those bid sad eyes like they?re starving . This drives me up the wall. They won?t stop begging until I sneak a bite of food under the table for them. But they are getting as fat as a pair of little pigs.
TEXT: ( TRANG): Anh baﮠna???o婠aꮠto᩠hai con cho?y ngongay be⮠caﮨ to⩠va?n to⩠v?ca밠ma鴠 to va?r? y nh?ang cheᴠ va乮 ѩeൠna??⩠heᴠs?kho?u. Chu?ho⮧ ng? xin aꮠcho t?khi na?⩠ v?mo䴠mieᮧ th?aꮠxuoᮧ d? gaୠba?o chu? Nh?ma?䴠ra chu?to be??i con heo va乮
Co?i t??g chu?la? starve h vala?T-A-R-V-E co?a?ᴠ , va?beg h vala?-G co?a?n. Va?y gi?in m?quy?nghe la褐th?ua?VOICE: ( DON):At dinner they sit rigth next to me staring up with those bid sad eyes like they?re starving . This drives me up the wall. They won?t stop begging until I sneak a bite of food under the table for them. But they are getting as fat as a pair of little pigs.
TEXT: ( TRANG): Cha飠quy?cu?bieᴠla?n cho?ng bieᴠdu?a⭠ly?eᮠchu?⮧ cho婠 ca밠ma鴠 buoraൠxin xo???ma??o chu?ꮠt?no ne⮠ ѥᮠ anh baﮠchu?a xin tha?g?h?ai.
VOICE: ( DON): The second idiom is? Up to scratch?, ? Up to scratch?.
TEXT: (TRANG): Up to scratch co?t t??la?atch h vala?-R-A-T-C-H co?a?t la讠va tre⮠ ma봠. No?ᴠx??h? nh? tra䮠 quyeAnh c to堣h??goa?? Ngu?ta pha??䴠 va tre⮠ma봠 hai thu?ng chaﭠcha⮠va?a na??i die䮠v?nhau tr? khi ba鴠. V젴heᬠng? My??p to scratch ch栴쮨 traﮧ sa?ng hoaﴠg , hay la?e䣠 g tieⵠchua宠. Trong th?uau , mo䴠 o⮧ xeᰠpha?ho⮧ ba?o mo䴠nha⮠vie⮠cua?g ta te⮠Joe la?h Joe la?e䣠kho⮧ tieⵠchua宮
VOICE: ( DON): Joe, I have to tell you. Your work is simply not up to scratch. You?re slower than others in your department and the results aren?t as good. We?ll give you a couple of months to improve, but if you can?t, I?m very much afraid we?ll have to let you go.
TEXT: ( TRANG): O⮧ xeᰠna???u: Na?h Joe, to⩠pha??o anh bieᴠu na?Co⮧ vie䣠anh la?o⮧ tieⵠchua宮 Anh cha䭠h?h? ng? kha?ong ban cu?h, va?t qua?ng vie䣠la??kho⮧ toᴮ Chu?o⩠cho anh va?a?e堠ca?eᮬ nh?neᵠanh kho⮧ la??th젴o⩠e ra讧 chu?o⩠se?a?o anh ngh栶ie䣮
Ch栣o?t t??ma?cabieᴠ la?improve h vala?-P-R-O-V-E ngha?i tieᮠ, hay tr?e⮠kha? tr?. Va?y gi?in m?quy?nghe la褐th?ua?VOICE: ( DON): Joe, I have to tell you. Your work is simply not up to scratch. You?re slower than others in your department and the results aren?t as good. We?ll give you a couple of months to improve, but if you can?t, I?m very much afraid we?ll have to let you go.
TEXT: ( TRANG): Nga?y, v젭o⮠ h go⮠tr?e⮠raᴠ pho場ho⮧ cho ne⮠ thay v정p to scratch quy?co?he thaṠ ng? ta du?ha?g?p to par co?ng mo䴠ngh Par h vala?-R la? lah banh ma??ch?o⮠c phe??e報a?ho banh r?a?㮠 Va?n chu?o⩠xin quy?tha?g?h?a.
VOICE : ( DON): The third idiom is? Upmarket?, ? Upmarket?.
TEXT: ( TRANG): Upmarket h vala?-M-A-R-K-E-T c du?e堣h栭o䴠mo??a鴠tienh? o⬠ n?rang, kim c?..v..v.. No?ng c du?e堣h栮h? khu phoᠮha??ay nh? m th? ma褐sang troﮧ. Trong th?uau , mo䴠o⮧ khuye⮠baﮠo⮧ ta te⮠Bob la??sa鰠mua mo䴠chieᣠnha㮠kim c? c? v?h?u.
VOICE: ( DON): Bob, be smart and shop around in regular jewelry stores . Stay out of those upmarket places that charge more for the same stones. Remember they have to pay a lot higher rent and spend a lot more on furniture just to impress people like us.
TEXT: ( TRANG): O⮧ na???ﮠnh?u: Na?h Bob, ha?ho⮠ngoan ma?mua sa魠ta褐ca??ie䭠n?rang tho⮧ th?g , va??a nh? c?tie䭠sang troﮧ b?v젮h? tie䭠ba??o䴠loa褐kim c? ma?i v?gia? h? Ne⮠nh?a讧 hoha?a? thue⠴ie䭠raᴠcao va??eൠtieh?e堭ua trang tr?h栱e堫hieᮠnh? ng? nh?u?a pha?aୠtro࠭a?⩮
Co?i t??ma?cabieᴠla?art h va la?-A-R-T ngha?⮠ngoan , Jewelry h vala?-W-E-L-R-Y ngha? trang , va? impress h vala?-P-R-E-S-S co?a?y aᮠt?g toᴬ hay la?g? ta tha?u Va?y gi?in m?quy?nghe la褐th?ua?VOICE: ( DON): Bob, be smart and shop around in regular jewelry stores . Stay out of those upmarket places that charge more for the same stones. Remember they have to pay a lot higher rent and spend a lot more on furniture just to impress people like us.
TEXT: (TRANG): Th?u?rokeᴠthu??tha?g?nglish American Style ho⭠nay cu?u?o⩮ Nh?习la??a v?hoc 3 tha?ng?? Mo䴠 la?the wall ngha?m cho mo䴠ng? na?o?u, hai la?to scratch ngha?m vie䣠 tieⵠchua宬 va?la?arket ngha? sang troﮧ . HuyeTrang xin k? cha?y?th? gia? xin heﮠga밠la褐quy?trong ba?keᠴieᰮ